Forum Discussion
F5 HTTPS Transparent to Forward Proxy Encapsulator
My setup includes legacy clients sending https requests but cannot set their https proxy.
f5 is a transparent proxy and the goal is to dynamically forward their traffic to an external squid proxy's using CONNECT method.
the squid's ip and port is transferred in a specific http header.
as for http traffic it works fine by using an iRule to forward their traffic to the destined proxy based on the header contents, for HTTPS it's a bit complicated and we havent figured out a way so far to establish it.
would appriciate any suggestion for a way to establish it.
Thanks. E.
- nitassEmployee
- Eldad_162351Nimbostratus
Thanks for the reply, when using the above iRule it fails at the CLIENT_DATA stage.
it never reaches the SERVER_CONNECTED stage...
the clients sends "client hello" and than nothing happens until the connections resets.
any idea?
Thanks E.
- Eldad_162351Nimbostratus
when trying to debug this iRule it seems that LB_FAILED event is triggered.
still not sure why it happens, without the irule it works fine, when using the irule the LB_FAILED is triggered even when adding pool https_proxies to the end of CLIENT_DATA.
- nitassEmployee
can you post the virtual server and irule configurations?
tmsh list ltm virtual (name) tmsh list ltm rule (name)
by the way, you know we cannot grab squid ip and port from header because it is encrypted, don't you?
- Eldad_162351Nimbostratus
The Virtual Server
ltm virtual SSL_VS { destination ip-protocol tcp mask any pool Squid_GW profiles { tcp { } } rules { HTTPS_Proxy } source translate-address disabled translate-port disabled vlans { SSL_Clients_Vlan } vlans_enabled vs-index 21 }
The iRule
ltm rule HTTPS_Proxy { Tested on v10.2 version and up when RULE_INIT { Change to "1" to enable debugging log statements set static::proxydebug 0 } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if { $static::proxydebug != 0 } { log local0. "Client connected" } set bypass 0 set bufferdata "" 0 to make sure the server-side connection is opened right away TCP::collect 0 0 set srcip [IP::client_addr] set my_lookup [table lookup -subtable "clients" $srcip] my_lookup contains the ip and port for proxies relevant for the legacy cliensts now parsing $my_lookup to get the destination ip as $destip and port as $destport for proxy } when CLIENT_DATA { if { $static::proxydebug != 0 } { log local0. "CLIENT_DATA before is |[TCP::payload]|" } accumulate until ready, release when connected if { $bypass eq 1 } { TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $bufferdata] "" TCP::release return } set bufferdata [TCP::payload] TCP::collect } when LB_SELECTED { translating the packet to a new dest ip and port from lookup table node $destip $destport } when SERVER_CONNECTED { serverside {TCP::respond "CONNECT :[TCP::local_port clientside] HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"} TCP::collect } when SERVER_DATA { if { $bypass eq 1 } { TCP::release return } if { $static::proxydebug != 0 } { log local0. "PAYLOAD before is |[TCP::payload]|" } You might need HTTP/1.1 for your proxy, my version of squid was 1.0 if { [TCP::payload] starts_with "HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established\r\n\r\n" } { TCP::payload replace 0 39 "" if { $static::proxydebug != 0 } { log local0. "PAYLOAD after is |[TCP::payload]|" } TCP::respond $bufferdata TCP::release set bypass 1 } else { TCP::close } } }
with this iRule the packet's dest ip and port doesnt work since the translate is disabled. if i use translate address enable and translate port enable in the iRule im getting LB_FAILED. im adding the translate to the CLIENT_DATA event.
Thanks nitass
really appriciated
- Eldad_162351Nimbostratus
yes, but it looks like "CONNECT HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
- Eldad_162351Nimbostratus
looks great, my issue starts when im not using a specific or known pool but rather sending the traffic to an unspecified node in which im getting it's ip and port from a table as seen above in my irule.
still not sure what causes the LB_FAILED when im using node instead of default pool.
the squid's are the default gateway for the f5.
- Eldad_162351Nimbostratus
Hey nitass,
iv'e finally managed to make it work or at least partially work, so thanks very much.
problem is where to place the node $destip $destport which im getting from a table based on the source ip.
for now the iRule looks like:
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { translate address enable translate port enable if { $static::proxydebug != 0 } { log local0. "Client connected" } set bypass 0 set bufferdata "" 0 to make sure the server-side connection is opened right away TCP::collect 0 0 set srcip [IP::client_addr] set my_lookup [table lookup -subtable "clients" $srcip] my_lookup contains the ip and port for proxies relevant for the legacy cliensts now parsing $my_lookup to get the destination ip as $destip and port as $destport for proxy node $destip $destport } when CLIENT_DATA { if { $static::proxydebug != 0 } { log local0. "CLIENT_DATA before is |[TCP::payload]|" } accumulate until ready, release when connected if { $bypass eq 1 } { TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $bufferdata] "" TCP::release return } set bufferdata [TCP::payload] TCP::collect } when SERVER_CONNECTED { serverside {TCP::respond "CONNECT [IP::local_addr clientside]:[TCP::local_port clientside] HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"} TCP::collect } when SERVER_DATA { if { $bypass eq 1 } { TCP::release return } if { $static::proxydebug != 0 } { log local0. "PAYLOAD before is |[TCP::payload]|" } You might need HTTP/1.1 for your proxy, my version of squid was 1.0 if { [TCP::payload] starts_with "HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established\r\n\r\n" } { TCP::payload replace 0 39 "" if { $static::proxydebug != 0 } { log local0. "PAYLOAD after is |[TCP::payload]|" } TCP::respond $bufferdata TCP::release set bypass 1 } else { TCP::close } } }
iv'e placed the node at the end of the CLIENT_ACCEPTED but most time on the first session it's not working. only after a refresh it. any idea how to optimize the irule or place the node somewhere else...?
Thanks Eldad.
- nitass_89166Noctilucent
iv'e placed the node at the end of the CLIENT_ACCEPTED but most time on the first session it's not working. only after a refresh it. any idea how to optimize the irule or place the node somewhere else...?
is table record for client existing on the first session? can you check what table lookup returns on the first session?
- Eldad_162351Nimbostratusthe table record exists and the variables are ok when i print them at CLIENT_ACCEPTED. where would you place the node $destip $destport?
- nitass_89166Noctilucenti do not use node command because all traffic will be sent to pool (web proxy pool) that is assigned to virtual server. does it work if you send all traffic to web proxy pool (i.e. not looking up web proxy node from table)?
- Eldad_162351Nimbostratusyes it works fine. in this case i cannot use the pool because the table records keep updating all the time by an sideband call to different i rule from a different virtual server. so actually the nodes are dynamic and changing from time to time...
- nitassEmployee
iv'e placed the node at the end of the CLIENT_ACCEPTED but most time on the first session it's not working. only after a refresh it. any idea how to optimize the irule or place the node somewhere else...?
is table record for client existing on the first session? can you check what table lookup returns on the first session?
- Eldad_162351Nimbostratusthe table record exists and the variables are ok when i print them at CLIENT_ACCEPTED. where would you place the node $destip $destport?
- nitassEmployeei do not use node command because all traffic will be sent to pool (web proxy pool) that is assigned to virtual server. does it work if you send all traffic to web proxy pool (i.e. not looking up web proxy node from table)?
- Eldad_162351Nimbostratusyes it works fine. in this case i cannot use the pool because the table records keep updating all the time by an sideband call to different i rule from a different virtual server. so actually the nodes are dynamic and changing from time to time...
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