Forum Discussion

Tharun_91512's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 12, 2011

F5 Configuration with Lotus Domino






My main goal is to migrate our webmail (Lotus Domino) from HTTP to HTTPS and the SSL termination should be done on BigIP.



Problem we faced while doing this:



We were able to get the login page but after entering the credentials it will show me the "page cannot be displayed" page. If we refresh the page or deleted the Whole URL and issued again it will launch my inbox and everything will work perfectly henceforth.




Observations on this issue



We ran a HTTP watcher while accessing this webpage and found that all the requested URL's are in HTTPS except one when we are clicking the login button. This URL is in HTTP.



When checked with the Lotus team I came to know that this is a normal behavior of Lotus. I wrote an iRule to convert the same but unfortunately it didn't worked.



So as per the situation, all the HTTP redirection which has sent by the server should seen as HTTPS by the client browser. Can anyone have any solutions or is this can be achieved on BigIP LTM?



Any Help will be highly appreciated.





