Forum Discussion
F5 certification
Hi Guys,
I am preparing for f5 101 exam. Is there any way, i can get some dumps so that i will get an idea about exam procedure and types of question.
Thanks, Nilesh
- JW_189984Historic F5 Account
There are not dumps available, but there are practice questions available that cover the same material that is on the exam.
- Nilesh_Dubey_36
Hi JW,
Thanks for your response.
Mentioned URL is not opening. It is redirected on LinkedIn and shows an error.
Is there any other website or URL?
Hey Nilesh
Here is the original DevCentral Post, explaining what the Practice Exams are: F5 Certified Practice Exams
And here is the URL for the actual site where you can buy the tests: Exam Studio Online
Keep in mind, if you don't have one already, you will need to create an F5 Certified! Account: F5 Candidate Login
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