Forum Discussion

jithinsarath_22's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 06, 2015

F5-BIG-VE-LAB-V13 Licensing - Can it be reused?

Hello Everyone, I bought the F5-BIG-VE-LAB-V13 license from CDW and I have the license file and downloaded software from F5. I have a VM up and running and I can reach the webconsole via host browser.


My question is: If for some reason, my VM is unusable (crash / I mess it up), can the license be reused to re-install the LTM?


PS: I'm taking baby steps on F5, sorry if is question is naive.


Regards, Jithin


3 Replies

  • Thank you guys. I'll now go ahead with licensing the installation.


    I had to do things differently to get the vm imported to virtualbox. I'm sure there will be many who are in the same boat as I. If I want to share, do I just write it up on my blog and link here or should I write it you as a discussion.


    Regards, Jithin.


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    If you need to re-install/move your VM and you don't have your old one, then usually F5 Support will reset your license for you so you can re-license it on the new VM.


    I've had to do this in the past when moving my VE's.




  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    My understanding is not in a new VM as the license is tied to the virtual disk, or something specific in the hypervisor.


    You're better off, in your example scenarios, restoring from a ucs archive file (note: create one of you haven't) or create / restore from a snapshot in the hypervisor software itself.


    Hope this helps,

