Forum Discussion
F5 Big IP File Locations
- The base configuration file is located here:
- The system configuration file is located here:
- The LTM configuration file is located here:
- The (bigpipe) shell configuration file is located here:
- User authentication configuration files are located in the relevant directory under:
- User Configuration Set (UCS) files are located here:
- The file that controls what is included in a User Configuration Set (UCS) file is located here:
- Single Configuration Files (SCF) are located here:
- The logrotate (log rotation) configuration file is located here:
- The log files are located here:
- The license file is located here: - this file should never be edited. A backup of this file is usually found here: /config/bigip.license.bak
- If you run the find_keys command it creates a file listing all license keys on the device here:
- The device's own SSL key is located here:
- The device's own SSL certificate is located here:
- Commands or scripts listed in this file: will be executed when the redundancy state becomes active.
- Commands or scripts listed in this file: will be executed when the redundancy state becomes standby.
- The default location for snapshot files is:
- default SNMP traps, this file should not be edited
- user-defined SNMP traps
- F5 BigIP specific and non-F5 BigIP MIBs used to monitor and manage the platform can be found here in text format: They can also be found here in compressed tar format: /usr/local/www/docs/mibs/
- Graphics files used within the web based management interface can be found here: . Note replacements will probably be lost during an upgrade.
- configuration backups location
- where .iso imagaes are located
- The_Bhattman
Thanks for the information - Cyril
Hi John,
Thanks for the info. It's very useful information.
- Korn_Angkul_143
Thank you very much
nice, might be a good addition to the 201 study guide.
- MOHIT_125417
Thanks a useful Info...
Can someone please tell me where the crontab file is saved, the one edited when you do "crontab -e" as user root?
- Found it : /var/spool/cron/root ;-)
- Shivakumar_Bira
good info! - Vijith_182946
Thanks for this info, but one question is this specific to version 12? I see that there are few changes in the file location when compared to old versions..
- RiverFish
Nice! Here are a couple more...
certs: /config/filestore/files_d/Common_d/certificate_d
ifiles: /config/filestore/files_d/Common_d/ifile_d/
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