Extract value from json
I have a webapp which accepts a POST with JSON payload.
the JSON has only one key:value
I need to write to log the value of the key.
For example:
This is the payload of the JSON:
"token": "c71c56b0-7590-4785-b490-0f060c563aee"
I need to write to the LTM log:
I need a simple iRule which parses the payload, find the value of "token" and writes it to the ltm log.
Can someone help please?
Great! HTTP::payload must be able to retrieve it because it comes in a single packet so it doesn't need to accumulate. Note that if the payload was larger ( eg 1K ) then this might fail and you'd have to use HTTP::collect.
We can use regexp in multiple ways to retrieve the substring. Try this:
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::method] == "POST"} { log local0. ">>> Method is POST<<<" if { [ regexp -- {"token": "(.+)"} [HTTP::payload] a b ] } { log local0.debug "Token Found a:$a b:$b" } } }
$a should be the whole of the line, $b should be only the token part.
Take a look here for more detail on how to use regexp:
PS the other way we could have done it is this:
set token [lindex [ regexp -inline -- {"token": "(.+)"} [HTTP::payload] ] 1]