Forum Discussion

Chirag_Mehta_15's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 15, 2011

Extract CSR for SSL Certificate




Please can someone advise as to how one can extract the CSR (Certificate Signing request) file for a SSL certificate on the BIG IP F5


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    A previous one? You can't. AFAIK it's not saved anywhere.



    You can however generate a NEW CSR for an existing key. But if your aim is to get a certificate renewal, I'd recommend generating a NEW keypair and use the CSR from that. (There's no real requirement to get a copy of a CSR. It's only of use to request a signed certificate from a CA. Once signed, you just need the cert and the private key).



  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    Actually... I lie...



    BigIP (10.2.1) saves the CSR's in /config/ssl/ssl.csr



  • Hi,



    Yes I am trying to generate a CSR for renewal of an existing certificate. So do I need to export the existing Key ti get there.



    There is an option to "Renew" how will that work



  • Hi Chirag,



    Clicking renew will generate a new CSR with the existing key. If you want to create a new key and CSR, you can use this process:



    sol7573: Renewing a Certificate Authorities signed certificate that requires a new key without overwriting the current key and certificate




    And be aware of this:



    sol10561: The BIG-IP system may not use a renewed SSL certificate




  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    I always insist on a new keypair... It's no trouble to do and so much safer if old backups etc get compromised.



    You also get to increase the keylength...



  • The CSR can be generated by creating a new SSL certificate. Go to LTM, SSL Certificates & then select create & once you press finish after filling in the details a CSR is generated which can be used for getting the certificate from the Certificate Authority e.g. Verisign.