Forum Discussion

mgolden_60712's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 02, 2010

EventNotification::EventData: username always Unknown

Hi Folks,



I use Management::EventNotification to notify me about system configuration changes. Events reach my endpoint but the only problem is that I always get username (from EventData structure) set to Unknown. Changes made via BigIP interface (logged in as user admin or my own one), tested on EVENTTYPE_MODIFY (iRule content changed), EVENTTYPE_DELETE (pool deletion). Am i missing something?


Version: BIG-IP 10.1.0 Build 3341.1084 Final (Virtual Edition)


  • Great to hear you are using that interface. The username field was added when I first designed the interface with the intention that when we had the user information at the database level it could be added to the notifications. The way the eventnotification interface works is that it makes use of our configuration engines notification stream. It's the same way the TMM can find out about CLI changes immediately. So, when a user makes a change it's audited and then the value is saved to the configuration database. But, as of now, the information that is saved doesn't include the user that triggered the change so the configuration engine doesn't have the username to be able to send back out in it's notification stream to the listeners which include the EventNotification daemon.



    Probably more than you wanted to hear, but hopefully we'll have the audit information in there in the future, but it's not there now.





  • Thank you for your exhaustive answer, Joe. I keep my fingers crossed cause such information could be very useful in a multiuser environment.