Forum Discussion
doamin replacement irule
I am trying to get logic for a domain replacement. When external users access * F5 need to replace the domain with * and send the request to the pool members. is not advertised externally,so i need F5 to do the domain replacement so the backend servers can process the traffic.
- Sam10Altostratus
This is what i am trying to acheive. not getting my logic correct in irule.
User types in , f5 need to replace that with and send it to the back end server ,
and when backend server sends the response F5 need to again replace the request with as client should not see the anywhere the internal domain in the header.
set external_hostname "*"
set internal_hostname "*"
HTTP::header replace "Host" $internal_hostname
if { [HTTP::header value "Location"] ends_with "$internal_hostname" }{
set location [HTTP::header location]
HTTP::header replace location $external_hostname
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