Forum Discussion

Satish_Kumar_Ra's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 25, 2016

DNS Server unknown in Network access

Hi We are using F5 LTM and APM modules. We have created a network access to built a tunnel and access the applications via tunnel(such as SAP application using SAP logon pad). We have chosen the traffic options as split tunnel, and we have added the Ip's individually with subnet and added dns suffix in DNS addres space. We have added the primary and secondary DNS servers in DNS/HOST. While trying to access the application the VPN tunnel is built but we are getting error as hostname unknown. When we check with command prompt the tunnel is built with the lease pool IP we have mentioned but when we try nslookup we are getting dns server unknown. Please help thanks!


  • Thanks Lemaire for your reply, we have got a solution for this issue, the DNS got resolved by adding the DNS server IP in the IPV4 address space in network setting.


  • do you have the dns helper service installed/working ? that is a component of the edge client.


  • Thanks Lemaire for your reply, we have got a solution for this issue, the DNS got resolved by adding the DNS server IP in the IPV4 address space in network setting.


    • a_basharat's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi, me setting up the SSL VPN, when the tunnel is up and I do a nslookup from the desktop, I got the following message:


      DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds Default Server: Unknown


      Is it not resolving correctly?