Forum Discussion

Prakash_Krishna's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 15, 2016

Destination mask for Virtual Server accepts only ""

Dear Experts,


While creating Virtual Server, without giving the Destination Address mask, internally the value for mask has been considered as Even if we don't give the same value( in UI, its throwing the error. Say for example, if I give the Destination Address as "' and the right mask value as "", F5 GUI is throwing the error as "Invalid IP or Hostname". Is there any logic behind this or known issue with F5. Can you please help me in understanding this.


Regards, Prakash.K



    Thanks for your quick response. In LTM 12.0 version, we do not have the host/network option. whereas if I give the value as, it goes well and Virtual server is getting created. Even if we don't give the mask value, giving only the IP Address alone also getting created but in the back end value is getting added to the subnet mask. Validated the same using iControl APIs also Without this value, not able to create the Virtual server using iControl (SOAP) API as well.


    • Domai's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
      Ahh this is 12 version. I see That is correct when using tmsh I usually give the mask like this - "create virtual test_vs destination mask"
  • is a host addresses, if you want to configure a Virtual Server to listen on a subnet you need to use the Network Address.

    So try:

    Destination Address -
    Destination Subnet -