Forum Discussion

HTTP500_195339's avatar
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Apr 02, 2015

DES-CBC3-SHA listed as 192 bits but SSL Labs reports as 112 bit

In the table here under the BIG-IP 11.5.0 - 11.5.2 section it lists the DES-CBC3-SHA ciphers as 192 bits.


However a SSL Labs scan will report the following:


TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA (0xa)112 [bits]


I'm not a crypto-nerd but if I read this explanation correctly that particular cipher has an effective security of 112 bits but if the encryption is achieved by using 3 56 bit keys (3 X 56 = 168) why is F5 reporting 192 bits?


  • there was a thread about that here


    It seems to be a "bug".. 192 comes from 3x64 (64 is the block size).


    If in theory it's 168 bits key length, it has been degraded to 112 due to vulnerabilities.


    From NIST 800-57:


    "One might expect that 3TDEA would provide 56×3 = 168 bits of strength. However, there is an attack on 3TDEA that reduces the strength to the work that would be involved in exhausting a 112 bit key"


  • Baalawi_242346's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    This link will answer your question:


    SOL17296: The BIG-IP system incorrectly reports a 192-bit key length for cipher suites using 3DES (DES-CBC3)