Forum Discussion

snormoyle's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 27, 2020

data groups

my company engineering group created a solution using F5 as a S3 Proxy in AWS. The iRule supplied replaces the header with the s3 FQDN. I would like to use data group so when changes are required it can be done through the data groups and not the iRule itself. I don't understand enough about data groups to know if this is possible. this f5 will be hosting many different S3/proxy virtual servers which is another reason i would use thegeneric iRule for each new virtual server and reference the data group


Current iRule:

when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::header host] eq "" } { HTTP::header replace Host "" } }


Thinking about how to do the following.

when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::header host] eq <original header> } { HTTP::header replace Host <replacement header> } }

  • Thinking about how to do the following.

    when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::header host] eq [data group]<original header> } { HTTP::header replace Host [data group]<replacement header> } }


    if can do within the same data group would be great.

  • Hi  

    Its very easy to achieve what you have asked ( or atleast what I understood .... 😅 )

    I have assumed the following for the data group

    name : hostmapping_dg

    contents : :=

    Please create a data group prior to using this iRule

    Here is the iRule that can do this.

    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
    set new_host [class search -value hostmapping_dg equals [HTTP::header host]]
    if { ${new_host} != "" } { 
        HTTP::redirect $new_host 

