Forum Discussion

Rise_77519's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 24, 2011

custom snmp trap

Hi All,


I need to configure a custom snmp trap. for exam. if cpu usage was exceed %60 rate I should get a alert message.


Another question that I get clear alert message when pool member status enabled but I would like to know that can I get a similar clear message " CPU tempature is too high" or are there clear message for all OIDs.


Thank you..
  • I need to configure a custom snmp trap. for exam. if cpu usage was exceed %60 rate I should get a alert i understand, trap is sent when there is log matching the trap definition. there is no such cpu usage was exceeded XX% log message; anyway, you may write script to inject that message to log, so trap can be sent accordingly.



    not sure if you have seen this article.


    Custom SNMP Traps by Deb




    I would like to know that can I get a similar clear message " CPU tempature is too high" or are there clear message for all OIDs. i do not think there is clear trap for all oids. there is some but you know not all.
  • Hi Nitass,


    Thank you for your reply. I have looked into the link before. I agree with you,I should write script to accomplish my purpose. I have found some examples about writing script.