Forum Discussion
Jul 06, 2011Creating iRule to disable pool if any subsystem pool member fails
We have a java application that actually runs on linux machine. It has three subsystem processes running on different ports 8086, 8087 and 8088 on single ip address.
We have created a virtual server pointed to port 80 internally pointing to nginx on that particular machine, where we have these three sub java processes.
For these three subsystems we have created separate pools and a separate pool for nginx which is default pool in the virtual server.
We have created a irule that will redirect the requests accordingly to each subsystem and applied to this virtual server like
if /api/gateway* url it should go to gateway pool running on on 8087
if /api/channel* url it should go to channel pool running on 8088
if /api/space* url it should go to space pool running on 8089
Now we want to create a irule which will actually check these three subsystems on that single node and if each of those are not running or getting failed then the request should not go to other two subsystems.
Can anybody help or provide any ideas on creating that irule?
- hoolio
Hi Narendra, - Narendra_26827
Thanks for the quick reply! - hoolio
The idea behind the hard coded destination monitor is that you're saying for each pool member IP, monitor port 8087, 8088 and 8089. If any of the three monitors on that IP fail, then mark down all three ports for that IP. It won't affect other pool member IP's. - Narendra_26827
Thanks a lot Aaron! I will try the above concept to check it out once.
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