Apr 23, 2018Nimbostratus
Creating an iRule with multiple conditions
Hello, New to F5 and iRules here,
I'm looking to create an iRule that looks for certain urls and redirects them. I want to know though if i can combined them into one rule per redirected URL, so for example i created this below but not sure if it is correct. I was hoping to use [HTTP::URI] site1* but there is some directories they do not want to be redirected.
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals "site1/virtualdirector1/.aspx" } { HTTP::respond 301 Location "; } } elseif { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals "site1/virtualdirectory2/.aspx" } { HTTP::respond 301 Location "; } } elseif { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals "site1/virtualdirectory3/*.aspx" } { HTTP::respond 301 Location "; } }