Forum Discussion

Steve_Brown_882's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Mar 10, 2011

create_user_3 in a perl script

Hey Guys,


I don't do a lot of perl scripting so I am hoping for a little help getting a script to work. Basically I have pieced som code together from the forums but it doesn't quite work.



Here is the code I have so far, any thoughts?








use SOAP::Lite;



sub SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials




return "admin" => "admin";





$UserManagement = SOAP::Lite


-> uri('urn:iControl:Management/UserManagement')


-> readable(1)


-> proxy("");









sub handle_create()




my ($UserName, $FullName, $Role, $Partition ) = @_;




if ( $UserName eq "" ) { $UserName = "testuser1"; }


if ( $FullName eq "" ) { $FullName = "New User"; }


if ( $Role eq "" ) { $Role = USER_ROLE_GUEST ; }


if ( $Partition eq "" ) { $Partition = "Common" ; }


$Password = "";



$UserID = {


name => $UserName,


full_name => $FullName





$UserPermissions = {


role => $Role,


partition => $Partition





$UserInfo = {


user => $UserID,


password => $Password,


permisision => $UserPermissions,


login_shell => "/bin/bash",





$soapResponse = $UserManagement->create_user_3(


SOAP::Data->name(users => [$UserInfo])








  • A couple of things stick out right away.



    First, here's the definition for the create_user_3 method



    Management.UserManagement.create_user_3 (
      Management.UserManagement.UserInfo3 users
    struct Management.UserManagement.UserInfo3 {
      UserID user;
      PasswordInfo password;
      UserPermission [] permissions;
      String login_shell;
    struct Management.UserManagement.UserID {
      String name;
      String full_name;
    struct Management.UserManagement.PasswordInfo {
      boolean is_encrypted;
      String password;
    struct Management.UserManagement.UserPermission {
      UserRole role;
      String partition;



    In looking at your code, the following pieces don't match with the input to the method.



    1. UserInfo3.password is a struct. You are passing in just the password as a string.


    2. UserInfo3.permissions is missing. You are calling it "permission" and you aren't passing in an array. You'll need to surround the "$UserPermissions" variable with brackets "[$UserPermissions]".



    I haven't had time to test this out, but I do think that's it. Let me know if you need further assistance.





  • Steve_Brown_882's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Thanks for the input Joe. I made a few changes, but still not working. It actually runs without error but doesn't create the user so I am guessing I still have something wrong with $UserInfo






    use SOAP::Lite;



    sub SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials




    return "admin" => "admin";





    $UserManagement = SOAP::Lite


    -> uri('urn:iControl:Management/UserManagement')


    -> readable(1)


    -> proxy("");









    sub handle_create()




    my ($UserName, $FullName, $Role, $Partition ) = @_;




    if ( $UserName eq "" ) { $UserName = "testuser1"; }


    if ( $FullName eq "" ) { $FullName = "New User"; }


    if ( $Role eq "" ) { $Role = USER_ROLE_GUEST ; }


    if ( $Partition eq "" ) { $Partition = "Common" ; }



    $Password = {


    is_encrypted => "false",


    password => ""





    $UserID = {


    name => $UserName,


    full_name => $FullName





    $UserPermissions = {


    role => $Role,


    partition => $Partition





    $UserInfo = {


    user => [$UserID],


    password => [$Password],


    permisisions => [$UserPermissions],


    login_shell => "/bin/bash",





    $soapResponse = $UserManagement->create_user_3(


    SOAP::Data->name(users => [$UserInfo])




  • You've got a few too many brackets in your UserInfo structure. By putting brackets around all parameters you are turning them all into arrays. Also, for a boolean, you'll have to use either 0 or 1.

    Give this a shot:

    sub handle_create()
      my ($UserName, $FullName, $Role, $Partition ) = @_;
      if ( $UserName eq "" ) { $UserName = "testuser1"; }
      if ( $FullName eq "" ) { $FullName = "New User"; }
      if ( $Role eq "" ) { $Role = USER_ROLE_GUEST ; }
      if ( $Partition eq "" ) { $Partition = "Common" ; }
      $Password = {
        is_encrypted => 0,
        password => ""
      $UserID = {
        name => $UserName,
        full_name => $FullName
      $UserPermissions = {
        role => $Role,
        partition => $Partition
      $UserInfo = {
        user => $UserID,
        password => $Password,
        permisisions => [$UserPermissions],
        login_shell => "",
      $soapResponse = $UserManagement->create_user_3(
        SOAP::Data->name(users => [$UserInfo])

    Notice, I've removed the "login_shell" parameter as USER_ROLE_GUEST doesn't have the access to specify a custom shell.


  • Steve_Brown_882's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    For some reason even this code runs without error, but fails to create the user.
  • Darn typos... I misspelled the "permissions" member int he UserInfo structure. I tested this one and it did create the user for me.

    sub handle_create()
      my ($UserName, $FullName, $Role, $Partition ) = @_;
      if ( $UserName eq "" ) { $UserName = "testuser1"; }
      if ( $FullName eq "" ) { $FullName = "New User"; }
      if ( $Role eq "" ) { $Role = USER_ROLE_GUEST ; }
      if ( $Partition eq "" ) { $Partition = "Common" ; }
      $Password = {
        is_encrypted => 0,
        password => ""
      $UserID = {
        name => $UserName,
        full_name => $FullName
      $UserPermissions = {
        role => $Role,
        partition => $Partition
      $UserInfo = {
        user => $UserID,
        password => $Password,
        permissions => [$UserPermissions],
        login_shell => "",
      $soapResponse = $UserManagement->create_user_3(
        SOAP::Data->name(users => [$UserInfo])

    That's the down side of perl with it's dynamic language. You need to make sure you get all the parameter names correct. Using a more tightly bound language like .Net or Java will not have this problem.


  • Steve_Brown_882's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Now it works! Thanks for helping out with this. I am a little better with python, but in either case I really appreciate all the help you guys provide with this sort of stuff. Anyhow this gets me pretty close to done with my overall script, I will be sure to share the rest of it when I finish.