Forum Discussion
cookie insertion
set uagent [string tolower [HTTP::header User-Agent]]
switch -glob [HTTP::host] {
if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/test" } {
HTTP::cookie insert name "ClassicView" value "mobile" path /
} else {
log local0. "no cookie set"
unset uagent
But the cookie is not set ???
I posted right before you...we need to do the cookie insert from the HTTP_RESPONSE event. Using it in the Request event inserts it between LTM and the pool members. I forgot my traffic flow for a second.
The example above your post should work. I can modify yours as well.
set uagent [string tolower [HTTP::header User-Agent]]
switch -glob [HTTP::host] {
if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/test" } {
set cinsert 1
} else {
set cinsert 0
log local0. "no cookie set"
unset uagent
if { $cinsert eq 1 } {
HTTP::cookie insert name "ClassicView" value "mobile" path / }}
May I ask how you're using the uagent variable here? Is it for something separate from the cookie logic?
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