Forum Discussion

wlopez's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Mar 27, 2012

Configuring Route Domains in a Redundant Pair

I want to create a lab/test/cert environment on a pair of 3600 LTMs running v10.2. I have done this on a single box before using a separate partition and route domain.



The 3600 boxes are handling production traffic on the default partition (Common) and route domain (0).



Do I need to create the new partition, vlans, route domain and self IPs on each box first?



Once that's done, do I configure the LTM components (pools, Virtual Servers, etc.) in the new partition on the Active Box and sync them over to the Standby Box?



Does the Config Sync process change because of this setup?



Thanks in advance.


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    That sounds about right. You'll want to create the partitions first and then add objects to the partitions. Objects can't be moved within partitions after they've been created.



  • wlopez's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    Thanks for the quick response.



    Do the Config Sync and Network Mirroring processes still need to work through the default partition (Common) and route domain (0)?



    Can they work through another partition/route domain?




  • Hi, the config sync and failover unicast address should be from the defaulr route domain.