Forum Discussion

Ah_Fat_2262's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 17, 2012

Configure F5 LTM as NTP server




I have deployed 2 x F5 LTM (Active-Standby) and configured them as the NTP server for my other network equipments. I am using the individual appliance self IP rather than the float IP. However, when I do a cat bigip_sys.conf, I discovered that the NTP server configuration on the standby is listening on the self IP of the active F5 even though I configure it to listen on its own self IP.



Thus, I would like to ask if this is normal as the standby self IP is not active and if I were to do a failover to the standby, will it listen on its own IP instead?



Thks in advance.





  • Hi,



    Some information update on the below issue I faced.



    I have deployed 2 x F5 LTM (Active-Standby) and configured them as the NTP server for my other network equipments. I am using the individual appliance management IP rather than the float self IP and when I do a cat bigip_sys.conf, I discovered that the NTP server configuration on the standby is listening on the primary (active) appliance management IP instead of its own management IP which I have configured.



    Thus, I would like to ask if this is normal or it is a must to use the float self IP as the listening if we are going to configure the F5 appliance as the NTP server for other network device to sync time with?



    Thks in advance.



  • i guess you configured ltm as ntp server using b ntp include command (sol11237) which is stored in bigip_sys.conf. according to sol7024, bigip_sys.conf is synchrnoized between unit in ha pair.



    sol11237: Defining advanced NTP configurations on the BIG-IP system




    sol7024: Overview of the ConfigSync process




    Felkor has posted how to exclude syslog include from configsync in the following discussion topic. as i checked, i think it is applicable for ntp include as well but not sure if it is a good idea.



    Syslog & Source IP on cluster




    hope this helps.
  • Hi Nitass,



    Thanks for sharing the information. Its really help.


