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Nick_Simos_6822's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 27, 2014

Complex HA scenario with 3 Big IPs

Hi all,


I am trying to implement a complex scenario with 3 LTMs and 3 Partitions.


For the first partition (Partition A) a want to be able to failover to all three ltms (LTM_1, LTM_2 and LTM_3) For the second Partition (Partition B) a want to failover only to LTM_1 and LTM_2 and NEVER to LTM_3 The third Partition (Partition C) a want to be served only from LTM_3 and NEVER from LTM_1 and LTM_2


Since Partition A must be served from all units, I created failover/sync Device Group with all three in it.


The only workaround I found out so far is to mess with vlan ids. So, in case 2, what I did is to alter the vlan ids on LTM_3 so if LTM_1 and LTM_2 fail, LTM_3 will come active but the VIPs reside to an isolated vlan, preventing them to be advertised to the rest of the network.


Any ideas?


  • I have already tried that. HA Order uses all units in a specific order.So, if a choose only LTM_1 and LTM_2, when both of them are down then LTM_3 becomes active.


  • HA Order uses all units in a specific order.So, if a choose only LTM_1 and LTM_2, when both of them are down then LTM_3 becomes active.


    not sure if this is possible. can we configure ha group but preventing LTM_3 to participate in failover (e.g. fake pool, fake trunk)?


    Release Note: BIG-IP LTM and TMOS 11.5.0 (HA group failover for traffic groups)



    by the way, there is request for enhancement but it is not implemented in the current version yet. you may open a case to see if you can expedite it.


    ID403789 - RFE: Allow creation of traffic group with a subset of the devices in the sync-failover device group