Forum Discussion
- Chris_MillerAltostratusWhile you can configure everything for that version, the code rev isn't supported so you'd have to troubleshoot issues on your own.
- Josh_41258NimbostratusI would suggest v10 - since that is what the deployment guides are based on.
- TechgeeegNimbostratusHi Ivan,
- lcarico5_53817NimbostratusSo, Exchange 2010 is being implemented here and the LTMs are currently running 9.3.1.
- TechgeeegNimbostratusWhen u say current F5 version which one are you talking about.?
- lcarico5_53817Nimbostratus>the LTMs are currently running 9.3.1.
- lcarico5_53817NimbostratusKnock, knock! Hey, is this thing on?
- Dayne_Miller_19Historic F5 AccountHello, Icario5.
- lcarico5_53817NimbostratusThanks for the reply.
- lcarico5_53817NimbostratusYour advice is sound Mr. Miller.