Clearing connections on a backup LTM
Is there a way to clear all the connections from a node on the backup LTM?
We have two LTM's set up as a HA pair. For one particular VS we set up connection mirroring and set the max limit on the nodes to 5000 connections. When the VS plays up and eventually recovers, the connection count on the backup LTM still shows a high connection count on the nodes as seen below.
[root@f5-2-manage:Standby] config b node 210.15.x.x
NODE 210.15.x.x up session enable
| (cur, max, limit, tot) = (8977, 10179, 5000, 153.9M)
| (pkts,bits) in = (0, 0), out = (12, 127256)
| requests (total) = 0
Is there a way to clear the connection count on the backup LTM so it can perform the necessary health check which it does by telnettting to port 8080 and running a http get. It can't do this now because the connection count has exceeded the 5000 connection limit.