Forum Discussion

The-messenger_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 06, 2017

Citrix Receiver can I force the web interface first

I'm running the citrix iapp, latest version 2.4.2. The iapp creates a path for the receiver and web interface, I want to see if anyone knows how I can prevent direct access through the receiver. I want to be sure users go through the web interface first.


I'm running DUO for 2 factor, works great but requires the web browser login.


I know DUO works direct with Citrix and Citrix itself does multi-factor authentication but I want to do all I can to keep the process through DUO for consistency. I have a portal that includes citrix.



  • Thanks to ssharrett14, I can remove the Receiver leg of the policy to prevent access without the Radius step.


    Is it possible to add a Radius Auth step to a Citrix Receiver Access Policy?