Forum Discussion
Check TCP Port using IP Forward Virtual Server
I want to use a IP Forwarding Virtual Server (no LB) but I want to still do a health check on the TCP port of the real destination server and take the VS out of service if the port is not responding. I only see the option for iRule on a IP Forwarding VS, health monitor selection options. Do I need to right an iRule for this and if so can someone show me an example?
Hi Bruce,
Use a performance L4 virtual server for this. You can attach a pool with a health monitor to this type of virtual server.
- Bruce_MorrisNimbostratus
Hi Kees,
We can't change the destination IP address, so the VS would have to have the same IP address as the pool member (real server). In my experience, this does not work as the F5 is confused trying to do a health check to a IP that is also configured on it.
- mazou0014Nimbostratus
Hi Bruce,
Have you had a response to your question?
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