Forum Discussion

rossmpersonal's avatar
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Sep 27, 2018

Can the LTM SSL client certificate LDAP authentication module be configured to do protocol transition and Kerberos constrained delegation?

  1. Can the LTM SSL client certificate LDAP authentication module be configured to do protocol transition and Kerberos constrained delegation if the LDAP server is an Active Directory Domain Controller?
  2. If not, can an iRule be used to do protocol transition and Kerberos constrained delegation after the LTM SSL client certificate LDAP authentication module has successfully authenticated and authorized the user?
  3. If not, can the tmsh command create kerberos-delegation be used in a way such that protocol transition and Kerberos constrained delegation is done after the LTM SSL client certificate LDAP authentication module has successfully authenticated and authorized the user?
  4. If not, is using APM the only way to do protocol transition and Kerberos constrained delegation of a user authenticating using client certificate authentication with Active Directory?