Forum Discussion

Fountain_55774's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 17, 2008

Block parts of website

Hello All,



I am hoping this is simple but I have had no training



I am looking for a rule that allows access to only if the request comes from a valid subnet (ie: internal) and and redirected to if the request comes from anywhere else.



I will keep ploughing through the examples.



Thanks All,



  • Hi,

    You can try something like this:

     when HTTP_REQUEST { 
       if { (not([IP::addr "[IP::client_addr]/24" equals])) and ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/something") } { 
          HTTP::redirect "" 

    You have some exampls about how to manipulate IP::addr here: Click here

    it contains a good example in case you have to filter multiple network ranges and IP addresses