BigIP sends syn to members, with no request to VIP and no monitors enabled
I figured it was the monitors and so I disabled the http monitors. I still saw the connections.
I then disabled the icmp monitors, still saw the connections.
I did a tcpdump on the external vlan, and internal vlan and saw no traffic on the external but constantly a syn, syn ack, and fin communication from BigIP to members. The only way I can get the traffic to stop is to disable the members in the pool. If I re-enable them the traffic doesn't start until I access the Virtual IP one time. Then I can't get the traffic to stop until I disable the members and enable them.
I've checked all of the monitors to make sure they are off, and my status icons are all blue which means they have not been checking or status is unknown.
Is the BigIP supposed to make connections to the members when monitors are turned off?