Forum Discussion
Bigip runs on Oracle Virtual Server
I installed and configured a BigIp LTM VE on a Virtual Machine hosted by Oracle Virtual Server. I use it to mimic a production environment into a development lab for testing and troubleshooting. For this contest, I started by installing BIGIP version 10.2.2 on a bare VM with 4 VNics attached to 3 separate subnets a 80 GB VHD, 1 cpu and 2GB of RAM. I setup 3 Virtual Servers, 3 pools and 3 nodes. 2 Virtual Servers load balancing with iRules and 1 load balancing with a pool. Here is my bigip.conf, bigip_base.conf and some stats: =============================================================== [root@BIGIP:Active] config cat bigip.conf datastor { low water mark 80 high water mark 90 } deduplication {} shell write partition Common configsync { password crypt "ea2l7mE]h_D?e92qlj5;;SeURUK5N)@EUwZ=cV>m>J4iF5I" } monitor test_monitor { defaults from http recv "TEST SITE" send "GET /test.html\n\n" } node {} node {} node {} pool Pool_Server13 { monitor all http members {} } pool Pool_Server17 { monitor all http members {} } pool Pool_server16 { monitor all http members {} } pool test_web_pool { monitor all test_monitor &nbs! p; members { {} {} {} } } rule Test_iRule { when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] eq "" } { pool Pool_Server13 } elseif { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] eq "" } { pool Pool_Server17 } } } rule hh_test_irule { when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/server13" } { pool Pool_Server13 } elseif {[HTTP::u! ri] starts_with "/server17" } { pool Pool_Server17 } else { discard } } } virtual test_hh_irule_vip { snat automap destination ip protocol tcp rules hh_test_irule profiles { http {} tcp {} } } virtual test_irule_vip { snat automap destination ip protocol tcp rules Test_iRule profiles { http {} tcp {} } } virtual test_web { snat automap ! pool test_web_pool destination ip protocol tcp } node * monitor icmp =============================================================== [root@BIGIP:Active] config cat bigip_base.conf mgmt { netmask } mgmt route default inet { gateway } stp { config name none } stp instance 0 { inter! faces { 1.1 { &nb! sp; external path cost 200K internal path cost 200K } 1.2 { external path cost 200K internal path cost 200K } 1.3 { external path! cost 200K internal path cost 200K } } vlans { Vlan233 Vlan234 Vlan236 } } self allow { default { tcp ssh tcp domain tcp snmp tcp https tcp f5-iquery udp domain udp snmp udp efs udp cap udp f5-iquery proto ospf } } shell write partition Common vlan Vlan233 { tag 4094 interfaces 1.1 } vlan Vlan234 { tag 4093 interfaces 1.2 } vlan Vlan236 { tag 4092 interfaces 1.3 } self { netmask vlan Vlan234 allow default } self { netmask vlan Vlan236 allow default } system { gui setup disable hostname "" } ================================================================ [root@MMPDBIGIP:Active] log b virtual show VIRTUAL ADDRESS UNIT 1 | ARP enable | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 1, 0, 15) | (pkts,bits) in = (82, 138704), out = (64, 291104) +-> VIRTUAL test_hh_irule_vip SERVICE http | PVA acceleration none | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 1, 0, 15) | (pkts,bits) in = (82, 138704), out = (64, 291104) | requests (total) = 25 +-> RULE hh_test_irule +-> HTTP_REQUEST 31 total 0 fail 0 abort VIRTUAL ADDRESS UNIT 1 | ARP enable | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 5, 0, 36) | (pkts,bits) in = (162, 234968), out = (99, 125816) +-> VIRTUAL test_irule_vip SERVICE http | PVA acceleration none | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 5, 0, 36) | (pkts,bits) in = (162, 234968), out = (99, 125816) | requests (total) = 31 +-> RULE Test_iRule +-> HTTP_REQUEST 53 total 0 fail 0 abort VIRTUAL ADDRESS UNIT 1 | ARP enable | (cur, m! ax, limit, tot) = (0, 3, 0, 22) | (pkts,bits) in = (167, 248352), out = (104, 289736) +-> VIRTUAL test_web SERVICE http | PVA acceleration none | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 3, 0, 22) | (pkts,bits) in = (167, 248352), out = (104, 289736) | requests (total) = 47 +-> POOL test_web_poo! l LB METHOD round robin MIN/CUR ACTIVE MEMBERS 0/3 | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 4, 0, 17) | (pkts,bits) in = (157, 219496), out = (70, 278184) +-> POOL MEMBER test_web_pool/ active,up | | session enabled priority 0 ratio 1 | | (! cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 2, 0, 7) | | (pkts,bits) in = (70, 102120), out = (32, 105968) | | requests (total) = 22 +-> POOL MEMBER test_web_pool/ active,up | | session enabled priority 0 ratio 1 | | (cur, max, limit, to! t) = (0, 1, 0, 7) | | (pkts,bits) in = (53, 65888), out = (21, 93536) | | requests (total) = 14 +-> POOL MEMBER test_web_pool/ active,up | session enabled priority 0 ratio 1 | (cur, max, limit, tot) = ! (0, 1, 0, 3) | (pkts,bits) in = (34, 51488), out = (17, 78680) | requests (total) = 8 =============================================================== [root@MMPDBIGIP:Active] log b pool show POOL Pool_Server13 LB METHOD round robin MIN/CUR ACTIVE MEMBERS 0/1 | (cur, max, limit, tot! ) = (0, 2, 0, 13) | (pkts,bits) in = (100, 137576), out = (49, 232656) +-> POOL MEMBER Pool_Server13/ active,up | session enabled priority 0 ratio 1 | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 2, 0, 13) | (pkts,bits) in = (100, 137576), out = (49, 232656) | requests (total) = 32 POOL Pool_Server17 LB METHOD round robin MIN/CUR ACTIVE MEMBERS 0/1 | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 3, 0, 11) | (pkts,bits) in = (73, 95928), out = (38, 157832) +-> POOL MEMBER Pool_Server17/ active,up | session enabled priority 0 ratio 1 | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 3, 0, 11) | (pkts,bit! s) in = (73, 95928), out = (38, 157832) | requests (total) = 23 POOL Pool_server16 LB METHOD round robin MIN/CUR ACTIVE MEMBERS 0/1 | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 0, 0, 0) | (pkts,bits) in = (0, 0), out = (0, 0) +-> POOL MEMBER Pool_server16/ active,up | session enabled priority 0 ratio 1 | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 0, 0, 0) | (pkts,bits) in = (0, 0), out = (0, 0) | requests (total) = 0 POOL test_web_pool LB METHOD round robin MIN/CUR ACTIVE MEMBERS 0/3 | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 4, 0, 17) | (pkts,bits) in = (157, 219496), out = (70, 278184) +-> POOL MEMBER test_web_pool/ active,up | | session enabled priority 0 ratio 1 | | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 2, 0, 7) | | (pkts,bits) in = (70, 102120), out = (32, 105968) | | requests (total) = 22 +-> POOL MEMBER test_web_pool/ active,up | | session enabled priority 0 ratio 1 | ! ; | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 1, 0, 7) | | (pkts,bits) in = (53, 65888), out = (21, 93536) | | requests (total) = 14 +-> POOL MEMBER test_web_pool/ active,up | session enabled priority 0 ratio 1 | (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 1, 0, 3) | (pkts,bits) in = (34, 51488), out = (17, 78680) | requests (total) = 8
- qe_102628
Thank You for Sharing! This is good news for folks who must run Oracle Virtual Server or who have been thinking about it. Do you happen to have the version of Oracle Virtual Server that you're using BIG-IP with? It's not supported by F5, but it'd be great to know.(Oracle Virtual Server is a Xen based Hypervisor, and as such BIG-IP 10.2.2 or later will probably work on it)
I see two potential issues down the road with this configuration -
1) it should have two vCPU's defined - one will work for lab, but higher throughput levels may incur undesired behavior with the VM left to a single vCPU.
2) An 80GB disks is fine, but the stock 10.2.x disk size if 40GB (while 11.x is 100GB). This may present an upgrade issue down the road. (see the 10.x -> 11.x upgrade guide section of the 11.x VE manuals for more information)
3) There is an ide.ova specifically created for deployment on Xen hypervisors - but if I remember correctly, the Oracle VS doesn't support OVA (or at least, the version I looked at many moons ago did not work with OVA) - OVA might save some time for future deployments.
- GBEST_34408
Hi everyone, - Chris_Akker_129Historic F5 AccountHi GBEST, same place as regular big-ip software. Go to the F5 support site, downloads. You need the LTM-VE with the Citrix/Xen hypervisor, like this link for LTM-VE 11.2. Make sure you read the release notes first.
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