Forum Discussion

hung_105573's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 29, 2012

BigIP Link Controller and virtual server do not match subnet address

Hi all



I had config link controller to loadbance inbound and outbound and virtual server inbound services .But they do not match subnet address , so the virtual server associate incorrect link



my sefl ip:


Line 1: 118.69.221.x


Line 2 : 118.69.221.y


my Link :


Link1 : 118.69.221.x


Link2: 118.69.221.y


my range public ip address ;


Link1 : 118.69.222.x/27


Link 2: 118.69.223.x/27



Virtual server :



Destination: 118.69.222.z








this virtual server associated to link2 Instead of link1 .



Pls help me



thanks all