Forum Discussion

kafroe_118315's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 16, 2017

BigIP HA Cluster upgrade to 12.1.2- loosing DeviceTrust

im trying to upgrade my BigIp HA (Active/passive) Cluster- Version 12.0.0 Build 2.0.644


to Version 12.1.2 Build 1.0.271


Forced my Standby-Device offline and booted from new Boot Location with the "install Configuration" option of my current Boot Lokation.


The Device is comming up, configuration seems fine i see all of my VS and Pools.


Config Sync is not possible because of different versions. im aware of that.


But the Device Trust is gone! im not sure how im supposed to move on at this point. how do i get my traffic groups running on the patched Device without Device trust, is a failover even possible?


can i ignore Device Trust and release the Device online/force the active offline? or am i supposed to fix Device trust first, which means breaking the trust and trying to build it up again, does that work with two different versions?


This is a production environment, im affraid that the failover won't work. i want to upgrade without a Downtime of my trafficGroups


Thank you for your help.


  • I would say yes you can simply force the Active device into offline state as the Standby should still be getting heartbeats and when they stop will go active.


    The Device Trust not working should only effect the syncing and possible sharing of connection state data, so likely you will not have any mirrored persistence records or connections.


    I do recommend testing this out if possible in a none production environment, even if you setup a couple of F5 VEs see if you can replicate the test before.