Thank you for your reply but I'm not sure those solutions will help. I'm pulling the bigip_device_info based on a virtual-server then I'm parsing the policy name and getting the facts for the policy also using the bigip_device_info. The issue is that subset of the ltm-policy fact from the bigip_device_info module doesn't provide a way to get the pools we are forwarding to. i have to be able to find the pools associated with the access policy without know what the pool name are which is why I'm using the facts.
This is what I'm doing.
- name: json_query - VIP address
vip_result: "{{ bigip_facts.virtual_servers|default({}) | json_query(jmesquery) }}"
jmesquery: "[?destination=='/Common/{{ item.destination_address }}:{{ item.destination_port }}'].{virtual_name: name, destination_address: destination_address, destination_port: destination_port, snat_pool: snat_pool, default_pool: default_pool, persistence_profile: persistence_profile, profiles: profiles[*].{context: context,name: name}, policy_name: policies[*], irules: irules[*], virtual_state: availability_status virtual_enabled: enabled}"
loop: "{{ vip }}"
- name: json_query - Policy
policy_result: "{{ vip_result[0].policy_name }}"
loop: "{{ vip }}"
- name: json_query - Policy Details
policy_details: "{{ bigip_facts.ltm_policies|default({}) | json_query(jmesquery) }}"
jmesquery: "[?full_path=='{{policy_result}}']"
when: vip_result[0].policy_name is defined