Forum Discussion

gbogdan's avatar
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Jan 31, 2023

BIG-IQ RestAPI - retrieve customized Web Application Security Event Log

Hello ,

As per following example, we can retrieve info about the Web Application Security Events .

Is there any way to make the BIG-IQ to return only specific parameter not the whole event log  ?? I am looking to return only the "sig_ids[]" .


  • This is how can be done : 

    POST /mgmt/cm/shared/es/logiq/asmindex/_search?filter_path=hits.hits._source
    Request Body:

      {       "query":{        


    "query":"support_id: 123456789"          }      


    "_source": "staged_sig_ids",               <====     



    "sort":{          "date_time":"desc"       }    


  • I haven't used the big-iq api, but I think the same url query parameters work there. So using $select=<param> might work in theory. The challenge looking at the data though is that sig_ids is nested three levels deep:

    hits -> hits -> _source -> sig_ids

    Do you have the reference for what the query options are in the POST? Example from the link you provided..

             "query":"support_id: 10961136626817826933"


  • This is how can be done : 

    POST /mgmt/cm/shared/es/logiq/asmindex/_search?filter_path=hits.hits._source
    Request Body:

      {       "query":{        


    "query":"support_id: 123456789"          }      


    "_source": "staged_sig_ids",               <====     



    "sort":{          "date_time":"desc"       }    
