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zsip's avatar
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Oct 15, 2024

BIG-IP for SIP resources running in Kubernetes


We are trying to setup Virtual Server using BIG-IP that would server as a Load Balancer for SIP traffic for resources that are deployed in Kubernetes cluster and exposed through NodePort.

Our F5 is not part of the Kubernetes cluster and it is a standalone Virtual Machine that sends its traffic to NodePort service of our SIP resources.

We are facing few issues and hope someone can help us understand them.
UDP not working
When we try to use UDP the problem is that F5 ( sends SIP OPTIONS to ip address/port that we defined as access point for SIP elements in Kubernetes (Node IP and NodePort port,, port:31131). But due to Kubernetes deployment, responses are sent from different IP address and port (, port 30834). And this gets rejected by the F5.

10:17:23.695039 IP > UDP, length 575 out slot1/tmm1 lis=mon_mrf_sip_udp port=1.2 trunk=

10:17:23.700849 IP > UDP, length 520 in slot1/tmm0 lis= port=1.2 trunk=

10:17:23.700949 IP > ICMP udp port 51938 unreachable, length 36 out slot1/tmm0 lis= port=1.2 trunk=

Even the usage of macvlan on Kubernetes pods does not help. With macvlan we manage to achieve that IP address is preserved (, but still the port changes (5060 -> 25404). And F5 rejects it.

10:42:07.370926 IP > SIP: OPTIONS sip: SIP/2.0 out slot1/tmm0 lis= port=1.2 trunk=

10:42:07.378237 IP > UDP, length 425 in slot1/tmm0 lis= port=1.2 trunk=

10:42:07.378325 IP > ICMP udp port 54412 unreachable, length 36 out slot1/tmm0 lis= port=1.2 trunk=

So I guess there is no way to have it working for UDP at all with resources being deployed in Kubernets cluster? (host-network is not an option).


TCP (in Message Routing mode) not working
When we try to use TCP we found out that "Standard (SIP - legacy profile)" mode behaves differently then "Message Routing" one. In case when we use "Legacy" SIP monitor via TCP it establishes a TCP connection with destination server prior to sending the SIP Options message. This is OK for us.

But when we try to use "Message Routing" (from what I understood this is generally advisable for SIP traffic) for TCP monitoring, TCP connection is not established before OPTIONS message is sent and this is not acceptable by our SIP servers.


So I have few questions:

  1. Is it even possible to use F5 BIG-IP TLM VE as SIP LB for SIP resources operating in Kubernetes cluster (for both UDP and TCP) or the ONLY option is to use F5 BIG-IP Next Service Proxy Kubernetes (SPK) for SIP traffic?
  2. Is there a way to somehow force F5 that does Monitoring usin Message Routing mode to open TCP connection prior to sending SIP requests?
  3. Due to UDP problem above (that probably is solvable only if SPK version is used) is some way for F5 to do the UDP-2-TCP conversion of SIP traffic? 

Kind Regards,

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