Forum Discussion

Jo_97199's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 22, 2012

Big-IP ASM and websockets




I'm trying to let websockets (ws://) connections run through ASM, the backend application is based on


It seems that connections are falling back to xhr-polling which means that websocket couldn't initialize a connection properly.




Does anybody have experience with websockets on ASM?










  • Hi Which version are you running. With 11.6 the workaround is obsolet as websockets are supported.


    Regards, Joris


  • Hello,


    I am using v11.6.0, VMware Virtual Edition


    Is there any thing specific to configure to enable the WebSocket support over ASM?






    • Hannes_Rapp's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      You will still need to use the workaround. Websockets support only covers LTM. Depending on what other iRules you use, the HTTP::disable and HTTP::enable functions might be eligible for removal (you'll have to test it for yourself). The ASM::disable & ASM::enable MyPolicyName are still required, and so is the iRule workaround. You can also use an LTM Policy (Local Traffic > Policy) for the purpose.
    • Jorjjj_118094's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hello It worked well with the iRule! What is the difference between using iRule & LTM Policies in my Use Case?
    • Hannes_Rapp's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      LTM Policy is visually appealing and easier to understand, typically preferred by "jack-of-all-trades" network admins. Deeply specialized F5 engineers prefer to use iRules because they can be used to solve problems where LTM Policy is lacking in functionality. You can also use a combination of both, no ultimate right or wrong here - do what makes the most sense to you.
  • Jorjjj's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus



    I am using v11.6.0, VMware Virtual Edition


    Is there any thing specific to configure to enable the WebSocket support over ASM?






    • Hannes_Rapp's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      You will still need to use the workaround. Websockets support only covers LTM. Depending on what other iRules you use, the HTTP::disable and HTTP::enable functions might be eligible for removal (you'll have to test it for yourself). The ASM::disable & ASM::enable MyPolicyName are still required, and so is the iRule workaround. You can also use an LTM Policy (Local Traffic > Policy) for the purpose.
    • Jorjjj's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hello It worked well with the iRule! What is the difference between using iRule & LTM Policies in my Use Case?
    • Hannes_Rapp's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      LTM Policy is visually appealing and easier to understand, typically preferred by "jack-of-all-trades" network admins. Deeply specialized F5 engineers prefer to use iRules because they can be used to solve problems where LTM Policy is lacking in functionality. You can also use a combination of both, no ultimate right or wrong here - do what makes the most sense to you.
  • we have a VIPs for LTM and an ASM http profile assigned, working without any workaround in the irules. 11.6 HF4


    • Jorjjj's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hello Jo, Do you have an Application with WEB Socket traffic?
  • yes, we have one but you were right. I double-checked it and my notes and as those VIP only host the websockets, we disabled the http profile there. That's the reason the irules are not enabled any more. sorry :(


    • Jorjjj's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      No Worries!! :D Glad I help ya Somehow, hehehe Have a nice Day...
    • boneyard's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP
      if you disable the HTTP profile, does ASM then still function?