Mar 03, 2023Altocumulus
BIG IP Analysis Plane
Can someone help me to understand what is analysis plane? I dont see article from F5 that gave the meaning of this.
Can someone help me to understand what is analysis plane? I dont see article from F5 that gave the meaning of this.
I did not find yet the article which processes utilize the "analysis plane". But you can find out by yourself because the Processes for this plane are always on the last uneven CPU Core
Reference Article: source: https://my.f5.com/manage/s/article/K22714055
K22714055Analysis plane-related processes are generally pinned to the highest odd-numbered core and no control or analysis process have access to the even cores. The processes pinned to the analysis plane typically consume all available CPU cycles when running, which is why they are assigned to a single, specific core
Maybe someone else will find some reference article but maybe this will already help you out.
Also if you are looking because the usage on this core / plane is high, this is normal and expected behavior