Forum Discussion
BIG-IP 11.6.1 iControl REST API access issues
Hi guys,
I'm having issues with BIG-IP version 11.6.1 and iControl REST API. On previous versions I was able to create an administrator account on the BIG-IP and use it to access the iControl REST API. On version 11.6.1 it seems that this is not possible. The only account that I can use is the builtin admin account.
Did any of you experience this issue and do you have any suggestions on how to solve this?
Thanks in advance
The behavior changed as part of an enhancement to allow role based access to REST resources. You can create different users as follows:
- Create new user in GUI or TMSH. Make sure to assign that user the appropriate role (e.g. Manager, etc)
- GET to /mgmt/shared/authz/users to verify that the user shows up in the users
- GET /mgmt/shared/authz/roles/iControl_REST_API_User and save contents
- Update userReferences property from the role resource you got in step 3 "userReferences": [ { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/" }
- Do a PUT (or PATCH) to /mgmt/shared/authz/roles/iControl_REST_API_User with the modified userReferences array property
- Verify that the role is updated with the user reference: GET /mgmt/shared/authz/roles/iControl_REST_API_User
- Perform an icontrol command with that user to verify
Note: if the role that you assigned in step 1 does not have access to a resource then you still won’t be able to read/write it
- rodolfosalgado_
I had the same exactly issue when I upgraded from 11.5.3 HF2 to 11.6.1 Final. I had to change all my scripts to use the admin account, I'm hoping to upgrade to 12.1.0 HF1 to get rid of this issue.
- Tikka_Nagi_1315Historic F5 Account
The behavior changed as part of an enhancement to allow role based access to REST resources. You can create different users as follows:
- Create new user in GUI or TMSH. Make sure to assign that user the appropriate role (e.g. Manager, etc)
- GET to /mgmt/shared/authz/users to verify that the user shows up in the users
- GET /mgmt/shared/authz/roles/iControl_REST_API_User and save contents
- Update userReferences property from the role resource you got in step 3 "userReferences": [ { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/" }
- Do a PUT (or PATCH) to /mgmt/shared/authz/roles/iControl_REST_API_User with the modified userReferences array property
- Verify that the role is updated with the user reference: GET /mgmt/shared/authz/roles/iControl_REST_API_User
- Perform an icontrol command with that user to verify
Note: if the role that you assigned in step 1 does not have access to a resource then you still won’t be able to read/write it
- Javs_281612
There is a known issue in v11.6.1 (only) for RBAC. If you need to install this version try adding another step in upgrading process:
old version --> v11.6.0 --> v11.6.1
Or install a newer version (12.x)
- bobmacks_329472
Sorry for re-opening an old thread but I'm wondering if the RBAC setup to REST services have changed in 12.1.2?
I can confirm Basic Auth works okay if the user has an admin role but fails with a 401 authentication error when I try to retrieve a login token when sending a POST to /mgmt/shared/authn/login with username, password and login provider in the JSON body.
The same user can login without issues via the web UI so I suspected the issue is most likely an RBAC issue for REST.
Thanks in advance,
- natasak_295141
Hi Bobby,
Yes, RBAC setup has changed in versions that came after 11.6.1. 11.6.1 is the only version experiencing issues that you just described.
For more detailed explanation you can checkout this blog post:
- sara_125232Historic F5 Account
-> 11.6.1-HF1 : you are not able to view/access "/mgmt/shared/authz/users" with a non-default admin account even though you PATCH that user to iControl_REST_API_User group with default admin credentials.
[root@BIGIP1:Active:Standalone] config curl -k -u admin:admin -X PATCH -d '{ "userReferences":[{"link":";}] }'
[root@BIGIP1:Active:Standalone] config curl -k -u sara:sara -X GET {"code":401,"message":"Authorization failed: user= resource=/mgmt/shared/authz/users verb=GET uri: referrer:}
HOWEVER, the user will be able to access other locations for instance, /mgmt/tm/sys/global-settings.
[root@BIGIP1:Active:Standalone] config curl -k -u sara:sara -X GET {"kind":"tm:sys:global-settings:global-settingsstate","selfLink":";{/shared/} {/tmp/}","guiSecurityBanner":"enabled","guiSecurityBannerText":"Welcome to the BIG-IP Configuration Utility...}
-> 11.6.1-HF2 && 11.6.2: You won't need to PATCH the user, it just works fine.
[root@BIGIP1:Active:Standalone] tmp curl -k -u sara1:sara1 -X GET {"items":[{"name":"admin","displayName":"Admin User","encryptedPassword":"$6$DntkOc/...{"name":"sara1","displayName":"sara1","encryptedPassword":"$6$...Jk15h1D21","generation":1,"lastUpdateMicros":1516111211817525,"kind":"shared:authz:users:usersworkerstate","selfLink":";}],"generation":5,"kind":"shared:authz:users:userscollectionstate","lastUpdateMicros":1516111211824400,"selfLink":";}
Hope it helps!
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