Forum Discussion
Mar 16, 2012Nimbostratus
Hi Nitass,
I have an additional question about the health monitor.
Here is the configuration in bigip.conf
monitor dummy2 {
defaults from http
dest *:webcache
recv "503"
send "GET /MyApp/healthcheck.jsp HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: \r\nConnection: Close\r\n"
The healthcheck.jsp just return a fake error code "503" - I am using it for a fake OK state.
After I configured the "Alias Service Port" with 8080, I assigned the monitor as node default.
The Wireshark trace on the node does show it get the GET and responsed 503
It reports node down (red) in "F5 LTM 3600 with BIG-IP 10.2.3 Build 112.0 Final"
But the same monitor works in LTM VM trail version (BIG-IP 10.1.0 Build 3341.1084 Final).
I found the "BIG-IP 10.2.3 Build 112.0 Final" has a new optional field - Receive Disable String (compare to the earlier trial one). I am not sure how to use it, so I just left it empty for now.
I guess it is still something missing in my configuration.
Do I need make any change in the Health Monitor?