Forum Discussion
Ayuda Irule
Antes que nada, quiero agradecer por su tiempo y ayuda.
Estoy necesitando realizar una Irule de chequeo de nodos, pero no estoy logrando hacerla ni encontrando información que me oriente, por eso recurro a su colaboración.
Básicamente lo que necesito es que se chequee un PATH y si este responde 200 OK el nodo reciba carga y si responde cualquier otro código el nodo quede deshabilitado (o deje de recibir carga hasta que reciba 200 OK.
Ah, well you can't use curl inside an HTTP monitor. You can, however, do curl in an external (EAV) monitor:
- Kevin_Stewart
Please excuse the Spanish here. Using Google Translate.
Please look at the following articles for creating HTTP monitors:
Por favor disculpe a los españoles aquí. Usando el traductor de Google.Consulte los siguientes artículos para crear monitores HTTP:- mrlopez
Kevin thank you very much for your answer, but unfortunately I can't use the GET command, I need the answer of the curl command
- Kevin_Stewart
cURL is also going to do a GET request. Do you mean an HTTP health monitor with something like a POST request? Or do you mean a custom script monitor that uses cURL?
- mrlopez
Via bash I run this command:
curl -m 10 -Is
and the answer is:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
This is the result that I expect, when I generate an http monitor with that line, it adds characters and the response is always 400 incorrect requestHTTP monitor
curl -m 10 -Is /mov-centralizador/servico/ServicoVersionesVigentes/getVersionVigente\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a
- Kevin_Stewart
Ah, well you can't use curl inside an HTTP monitor. You can, however, do curl in an external (EAV) monitor:
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