Forum Discussion

danielpenna's avatar
Sep 01, 2021

Automate ASM "Ready to Be Enforced" Attack Signatures

Hi All, Problem scenario is this: Multiple F5 ASM deplyoments which use BigIQ to push out updated attack signatures ( works well ) and a 14 day Enforcement Readiness Period. This all works well up t...
  • DanSkow's avatar
    Feb 07, 2023

    In case anyone is still looking for a way to do this, I created a Big-IQ script that can be pushed to your ASM devices. Here's what it does:

    1. It checks the HA status, and exits the script if the HA status is Standby
    2. It uses iControl REST to create a file that lists the policy hashes for each of your ASM policies
    3. It uses a bash for loop to loop through each of your ASM policy hashes, and Enforces Ready Signatures for each policy, and apply each policy

    This is a plug-n-play script, so you shouldn't need to modify it at all. I've used it on v15.1.5 and v15.1.8.


    # Determines HA Status, creates variable, then loops through it on Active devices

    cd /var/tmp/

    # Static Variables

    # Writes HA Status to a file
    tmsh show /cm failover-status | grep Status > /var/tmp/ha-status.txt
    chmod 755 /var/tmp/ha-status.txt

    # Exits script if the HA Status file contains the string STANDBY
    if grep -q STANDBY /var/tmp/ha-status.txt; then

    # Creates variable with list of policy hashes, then prints variable contents to txt file (excluding parent and default policies)
    FILENAME=$(curl -kvu $CREDS http://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies | jq -r '.items[] 
    printf "$FILENAME\n" > /var/tmp/policy-hashes.txt

    LINES=$(cat $FILENAME)

    # ASM - Enforces Ready Entities and Applies Policies - All Policies
    for LINE in $LINES
      curl -kvu $CREDS -X PATCH "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/$LINE/signatures?\$select=&\$filter=hasSuggestions+eq+false+AND+wasUpdatedWithinEnforcementReadinessPeriod+eq+false+and+performStaging+eq+true" -u $CREDS -k -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"performStaging":false}' | jq .
      curl -kvu $CREDS POST https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/apply-policy -k -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"policyReference\": {\"link\": $LINK }}" | jq .
    sleep 10s


    If you want to exclude specific policies, such as a Parent or Template policy, you can change the line where the FILENAME variable is created to exclude those policies like this:

    FILENAME=$(curl -kvu $CREDS http://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies | jq -r '.items[] | select(.name!="asm_parent") | select(.name!="asm_template") | .id')