Forum Discussion

Check1t_282465's avatar
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Jul 05, 2017

ASM Policy Allow file type only for specific URL

ASM Newbie Question. Policy learning is offering option to allow file type. I want to allow, but not for entire application but only for specific URL. I did not see option to specify under Application Security - File Types or Allowed URL, but I could be missing something. Any suggestions?


  • We don't have a feature that lets you allow a file type only for a specific URL. As an alternative approach, you can use the ASM::unblock iRule command to unblock any request that gets blocked as a result of containing this particular file type that needs to be allowed for a URL.

    For example, if "aspx" is the file type you want to allow only for a particular URL and that URL is, say, /index.aspx, then you can use an iRule similar to the following to have ASM unblock the request that it blocked in the first place (with 'Illegal File Type'):

         if {[ASM::violation names] contains "VIOLATION_OBJ_TYPE" and [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "/index.aspx"}
                log local0. "ASM unblocking [HTTP::uri]"

    Make sure you have 'Trigger ASM iRule Events' option enabled for the relevant policy under Security Policy Properties section to ensure ASM iRule events get triggered.

    For more info:

  • Hi,

    File type filters on extension of the URL.

    If you want to allow only CSS file type in folder /css/, define the following wildcard URL:
