Forum Discussion
APM SSLVPN with layered virtual
The best solution is to create a layered policy based on Client Hello SNI value instead of HTTP Host header..
This solution allow to route based on SNI (default value from browser is the same value as HTTP host). this doesn't require to add SSL / HTTP profiles on front virtual server.
Another improvement is to enable DTLS virtual server (udp/4433) to optimize VPN performance. This virtual server doesn't require to be layered as it is only for VPN.
I'm using SNI routing configured almost exactly like the article, matching at client ssl hello and forwarding to an APM SSLVPN enabled VS.
Same symptoms as OP.
Is there some other magic to making this work, or is it not supported?
Sven, did you ever happen to get this to work?
- svsApr 08, 2020
yes I got this working. Can't remember, why I didn't respond to Stanislas answer.
My LTM Policy looks like the following:
ltm policy SNI-Routing { controls { forwarding } requires { client-ssl } rules { Default { actions { 0 { log ssl-client-hello write facility local0 message "Nothing mathed on hostname" priority info } } ordinal 1 } { actions { 0 { forward ssl-client-hello select virtual /Common/vpn.example.me_ap_vs } } conditions { 0 { ssl-extension ssl-client-hello server-name values { } } } } } status published strategy first-match }
ltm virtual vpn.example.me_ap_vs { destination ip-protocol tcp mask profiles { http { } ppp { } rba { } tcp { } vpn.example.me_ap { } vpn.example.me_ap_cp { context clientside } { context clientside } websso { } } source translate-address enabled translate-port enabled }
ltm virtual vpn.example.me_ap_vs_dtls { destination <External Self IP>:4433 ip-protocol udp mask profiles { ppp { } udp { } vpn.example.me_ap_cp { context clientside } { context clientside } } source translate-address enabled translate-port enabled }
The DTLS VS is not going through the LTM SNI Routing policy. Instead it is, in my case, bound directly to the external Self IP, with only SSL client profile and connectivity assigned.
APM Profile
apm profile access vpn.example.me_ap { accept-languages { en } access-policy vpn.example.me_ap app-service none customization-group vpn.example.me_ap_logout default-language en eps-group vpn.example.me_ap_eps errormap-group vpn.example.me_ap_errormap framework-installation-group vpn.example.me_ap_framework_installation general-ui-group vpn.example.me_ap_general_ui generation 1 generation-action noop log-settings { default-log-setting } modified-since-last-policy-sync true type all user-identity-method http }
Connectivity Profile:
apm profile connectivity vpn.example.me_ap_cp { adaptive-compression enabled app-service none client-policy { vpn.example.me_ap_cp { ios-ec { save-password true } ios-ep { save-password true } } } compress-buffer-size 4096 compress-cpu-saver true compress-cpu-saver-high 90 compress-cpu-saver-low 75 compress-gzip-level 6 compress-gzip-memlevel 8192 compress-gzip-window-size 16384 compress-ingress false compression enabled compression-codecs { deflate lzo bzip2 } customization-group vpn.example.me_ap_cp_secure_access_client_customization defaults-from connectivity deflate-compression-level 1 description none fec-name none location-specific false tunnel-name vpn.example.me_ap_cp }
Hopefully this help.
- adri8nApr 08, 2020
Thanks. So the SNI-Routing policy is applied to another VS which is bound to the external self IP as well? (the jump-vs equivalent in your original post)?
I'm missing the DTLS portion, but it isn't enabled, so should fall back to TLS/443, but still fails just as your original post describes.
Version 13.2 I think, how about you?
- svsApr 09, 2020
My "jump-vs" is the SNI-Router VS, or in other words the "outer VS". So there is the SNI-Routing LTM policy applied. This VS is only used for service ports, which are used for SSL/TLS connections - otherwise SNI wouldn't work. I didn't check if DTLS does support SNI and therefore didn't use the "jump-vs". So my DTLS VS is just another Standard VS, without any LTM policies applied. On the other hand, the SNI-Routing LTM policy doesn't support the combination of SNI and TCP port conditions (at least not in my environments, tested with 13.1.x, 14.x and 15.0). For me this resulted in TCP resets on the outer VS.
This special environment has only a single private IP address, forwarded from a NAT router in front of the BIG-IP, which has a single public IP address.
My setup is on 15.0.x and will be updated to 15.1.x within the next days.
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