APM CRLDP Response
Hey all. I am able to use CRLDP cert check in APM (v11.6HF6). OCSP is not an option as the ocsp x509 extension does not exist in all my certs and I do not want to keep a list of issuers to OCSP profiles). Going through the scenarios (cert revoked, HTTP CRL not available, etc.). I am supporting multiple CAs, getting the CDP URL from the x509 extension in the cert. However, when the HTTP CRL is not available, I get an enrty in the apm debug logs (See the connection attempt to the CDP location in a tcpdump (SYN,SYN,SYN, etc. / No SYN ACK as its not available).
modules/Authentication/Crldp/CrldpAuthModule.cpp func: "setCrldpResponseStatus()" line: 796 Msg: Crldp Response Status: Bad HTTP response status and Following rule 'Successful' from item 'CRLDP Auth'
I wouldn't think this would be successful. In addition, the result is not in an APM session variable that I could parse.
A few observations/questions: 1. Is there a list of all the response codes that CRLDP returns so that I could parse and make my own decision? 2. The checkbox "Use Issuer" in the profile does the opposite of what it says. When not checked, it successfully pulls the CDP location from the cert. When checked, it doesn't. 3. Where can I see the cached CRL entries on the BigIP? Would be nice to be able to compare the entries to the result. 4. What is the "Allow NULL CRL" checkbox used for? In my testing it seems to do nothing.