Forum Discussion

Geoff_Littlewoo's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 16, 2012

Any way of creating a HTTP/iRule t

I have a VS configured on 10.2.1 that has devices polling in every 10 seconds.



I have added X-Forwarded-HTTP in a HTTP profile as the back end application needs the original IP address preserved as this is used to connect back. The devices poll in every 10 seconds, or should. This connects to a back end application then disconnects. But, we are seeing the conenction stay open and the device polling in every 60 seconds as opposed to 10 seconds. This 60 seconds is the time the back end application resets a connection.




Ideally I would like the device to poll in and utilise the existing connection but, due to it being load balanced it tries to connect to the other server or create a new conenction. I would like to be able to make the connection "piggy-back" on its existing connection. Is there any way of creating a HTTP profile or iRule that allows passing the source IP through other than HTTP headers ?







Hope this makes sense ?



  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Paul,



    The scenario isn't quite clear to me. Can you clarify these two statements?




    But, we are seeing the connection stay open and the device polling in every 60 seconds as opposed to 10 seconds.




    I would like to be able to make the connection "piggy-back" on its existing connection




    Do you want LTM reuse the connection to the application but close the clientside connection immediately after one response?


