Forum Discussion

wtwagon_99154's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 05, 2008

Any simple / quick ways to improve web traffic

This may be an off the wall question, but I wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations to improve web traffic. We use pretty much the standard settings of the HTTP profile, but I wanted to see if anyone had any tweaks to improve web performance (even if it's slightly).



Thanks in advance.

11 Replies

  • It's tough to determine what the best case scenario is, especially if you don't control the clients and their path to your data. TCP behaves so differently depending on the circumstances. The lan optimized profile in my experience is the best catch-all to provide great service to most and good service to all but a few. A production change can always bring about surprises, so I'd recommend taking some baselines (if possible) of the performance points before the change so you can compare. Also, if you have a customer facing service arm, it may be good to prepare them with this knowledge so any group of calls complaining about issues can be escalated immediately. Also, if you have GTM, you can stand up another virtual in parallel to the existing one and have GTM send a fraction of the traffic to the new virtual so it isn't all or nothing.