Forum Discussion
Sep 11, 2007Historic F5 Account
Any questions? Post'em
Hi everyone,
If you have any questions or comments about the performance report or it's supporting documents, please feel free to post them here.
I'm one of the engineers who helped to create the performance report, and I'll be actively monitoring this forum to answer questions.
Mike Lowell
- Mike_Lowell_108Historic F5 AccountIt's not double, it's more like 1.2m/1.9m for 8900/8950. If you want double, the 11050 is the way to go, or VIPRION can bring you even more. I'd suggest getting in touch with your local field engineer -- they'll be able to give you all the details.
- ukiran22_113041Nimbostratushi,
- doc_hack_12696NimbostratusWe use F5 for a lot of internal applications and are about to start the tuning exercise for each of them. Is there a list of configurable options that we could tweak and test?
- Jesse_42849Historic F5 Account
- Mark_Porter_979NimbostratusHi Jesse
- Jesse_42849Historic F5 AccountWebguymark,
- Mark_Porter_979NimbostratusHi Folks
- noel_65534NimbostratusThanks Mike. OK, I would try not to rely too much on those last minute tweaking of a few percent. I guess the planned configuration would hold, based on the estimated throughput of 200Mbps at its peaktime. (avg. data size 10KB with SSL offload.)
- Mike_Lowell_108Historic F5 AccountActually I don't have any performance info for that. I can tell you that every "L7" performance number you've seen from F5 (data sheets, performance reports, etc) used an iRule, so although an HTTP Classification profile is probably slightly faster, I wouldn't worry about it unless you're running out of resources and need to dial-in the last few percent.
- noel_65534NimbostratusHi Mike,
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