Forum Discussion

KernelPanic's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 25, 2018

Ansible bigip_pool_member fails if node exists

When I create pool members after the nodes have been added the module fails with the below error. This passes syntax check but blows up when I run it against an F5. The other tasks in this role are working as well.

TMOS 12.1.2 HF2
        ansible --version
          config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
          configured module search path = ['/home/brian/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
          ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ansible
          executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
          python version = 3.5.4 (default, Aug 23 2017, 18:32:05) [GCC 6.4.1 20170727 (Red Hat 6.4.1-1)]

    The Play
     - name: "Create Node3 {{node3nm}} on {{inventory_hostname}}"
          server: "{{inventory_hostname}}"
          user: "{{adminuser}}"
          password: "{{adminpass}}"
          validate_certs: "False"
          host: "{{node3ip}}"
          name: "{{node3nm}}"
          state: "present"
          partition: Common
          monitor_type: and_list
            - icmp
        delegate_to: localhost

      - name: "Create Pool Members in {{appnm}}-Pool on {{inventory_hostname}}"
          description: "{{appnm}} {{dc}} {{zone}} {{listen}}"
          server: "{{inventory_hostname}}"
          user: "{{adminuser}}"
          password: "{{adminpass}}"
          validate_certs: "False"
          partition: "Common"
          state: "present"
          session_state: "enabled"
          port: "{{listen}}"
          host: "{{item}}"
          pool: "{{appnm}}_{{dc}}_{{zone}}_{{listen}}_POOL"
            - "{{node1ip}}"
            - "{{node2ip}}"
            - "{{node3ip}}"
        delegate_to: localhost

    The Error
        "item": "",
        "msg": "received exception: Server raised fault: 'Exception caught in LocalLB::urn:iControl:LocalLB/Pool::add_member_v2()\nException: Common::OperationFailed\n\tprimary_error_code   : 17236026 (0x0107003A)\n\tsecondary_error_code : 0\n\terror_string         : 0107003a:3: Pool member node (/Common/ and existing node (/Common/www-3) cannot use the same IP Address ('"

1 Reply

  • I needed to use the node name variable when adding the member, not the node ip.

          host: "{{item}}"
          pool: "{{appnm}}_{{dc}}_{{zone}}_{{listen}}_POOL"
            - "{{node1nm}}"
            - "{{node2nm}}"
            - "{{node3nm}}"