Forum Discussion

CJI_229761's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 19, 2015

Another thread for command to create pool and VIP

Hi there,

I have just started working on a new project that requires me to create new pool on command-line. I am just a beginner for F5 network.

So far I have found this link which tells me how to create a new pool. But when I was trying the 1st command-line such as follows, that is what I got.

c9admin@pd-bigip-slc-dev03a(Active)(tmos) create ltm pool myfirstpool members add { } monitor http
Syntax Error: "pool" unexpected argument

Does anyone know why ?

Thanks for the help.


  • Looks like you have Read-Only access. This is the error you would get if you have Read-Only plus tmsh.