Jul 03, 2012Nimbostratus
Amazon EC2 AMI? Roadmap? Feature wishlist?
Any chance this is on the roadmap?
I understand it would have to be a stripped down version, but I would like to see:
1) GUI
2) Slow start
3) Graceful removal of backend nodes
4) State mirroring (HA), in active/active configuration (particularly for sticky session configs) (I'd want to use this multi-AZ and perhaps even multi-region.
5) iRules
6) DevPay instances (IE: No upfront licensing.) (I think now called Amazon marketplace.) As part of this, I think that hourly costs shouldn't more than double the cost of running the EC2 instance it is hosted on. (For it to remain competitive and become popular).
7) SSL offload/management
8) Variety of instance size support. (Presumably 64bit only.)
9) VPC and non-VPC support (VPC supports multiple IP interfaces per instance, so in VPC multiple interfaces would need to be supported... One-arm in non-vpc)
10) Full set of load balancing algorithms
Please feel free to email me directly at, if you want to discuss further, as I would be willing to help test any alpha/beta AMIs. (And can discuss further, as we've been using AWS for over 4 years.)