Forum Discussion

waterfall_10467's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
May 28, 2012

After V11.1 upgrading, some certificates do not work

Hi there,



we upgraded from v10.2.3hf1 to v11.1hf2 however, after that some certificates didn't work after I had taken qkview file,I uploaded it to our i health and I saw some information warnings related to the issue. But when I clicked solution link I saw that the guide for v10 and 9.x and unfortunately I couldn't any article related to our problem.




Any idea or Any recommendation ?



thank you in advance



  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Can,



    Did you open a case with F5 Support on this?



    Which certificates didn't work? When you say they didn't work what happened? What's the Solution ID that iHealth mentioned for the issue?



  • is this relevant?



    sol13534: The BIG-IP system may erroneously import the incorrect SSL certificates or keys to the filestore